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About Us

 Holy Nativity is a loving community that was started by a few people who gathered in the name of Christ in December of 1957 to pray and worship. This community and later the church building and the food pantry have been beacons of Christian hope in east Plano.

Our Vision

 Our vision is to equip Christians to live a deeper life of faith through worship, discipleship, and prayer and to engage in the mission of Christ by helping others encounter the living Christ through the Church’s actions and words.

What We Do

We strive to engage holistically in the transformative Christian life by loving God and our neighbor; growing together; serving one another, our community and the world; and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our Community

 Our community is a beautiful reflection of the Kingdom of God. We are diverse but united in one faith, one Lord and one baptism by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the highest authority and the guiding light for us as a church. 

About our Church

Holy Nativity Church believes in the traditional Christian Faith as given by the Apostles by Jesus Christ. We accept the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as authoritative, that is: “containing all things necessary to salvation”, and as being the rule and ultimate standard of our doctrine, faith and behavior.


(972) 424-4574

2200 18th St, Plano, TX 75074

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