Lay Worship Ministries
In 1 Corinthians 12, we learn that we are one Body with many gifts, united in serving God by the power of the Spirit. Everyone has a role in the church, makes a difference in accomplishing God’s work and together with other members, glorifies God. There are many ways to serve. Please see the opportunities for serving at worship ministry and let us know if you are led to serve at this beautiful ministry.
Lay Leaders
The lay readers read the lessons for the Sunday Service, lead the Prayers of the People, and assist with Holy Communion. They also assist the clergy for Funerals and Weddings as appropriate. They are trained by the clergy and/or persons designated by the clergy.
Acolytes lead liturgical processions and assist the clergy with the preparation of the altar at the Offertory. Thurifers carry incense when used, Crucifers carry the cross Servers assist the Celebrant in preparing the altar at the Offertory, and Torchbearers carry torches at the Entrance and Final Processions as well as at the Gospel Procession when used.
Altar Guild
Each service begins and ends with the Altar Guild. Members prepare the elements that are to be used for worship and are responsible for ordering and maintaining inventory if all supplies needed. Caring for all the vessels, linens, materials, bread, wine, liquid candle wax is a true labor of love.
Lay Eucharistic Ministries
These ministers take the blessed bread and wine to people who are home-bound or in the hospital on Sunday afternoon.
Ushers greet people and provide them with the Sunday bulletin. They also direct people to the Altar Rail to receive communion.